Filler's Website


3xile was a server for the new 'ultrahard survival' mod Exile, by DokimiCU. Gundul, the owner of the Jungle server, had decided to host a multiplayer version after spending [many hours] in singleplayer, and realizing how fun it could be to play with friends.

Gundul posted the announcement on the 15th of September 2015, and launched the server an hour after. The game was not stable for multiplayer initially, Lacking an accurate HUD, multiplayer compatible mob pathfinding and other issues that Gundul had to remove, fix, or patch over the server's lifetime.

At some point Gundul added wolf mobs to hinder player's movement. They became a 'meme' among server member for their constant growling (you can hear them in the frag video below). The server closed on the 14th of November 2020.

Below are the few screenshots I have, courtesy of myself, PumpkingPurrson, emerald, hex & Gundul.

Map of the server, with approximate locations of buildings. On the map is spawn, the treehouse for new players, the path to my first base, and the nearest volcano.

Screenshots of locations near spawn.

Camp outside Purrson's base, on the shores of a great lake. He lived in the waterlogged caves below the lake, and marked this enterance with a flagpole. He kept a large furnace and garden above ground. The lake often froze, so you were able to walk in more often than not.

The spawn pit. Often flooded and filled with bones.

Power cell charging at the volcano, with hhehe. It's one of the volcanoes that spawns every 4K blocks in a ring around spawn. There was another that spawned 20K blocks from spawn without a top or magma that was used for quarrying.

Frag video, man pwning a hacker. Only short clip of the server

Purrson's Haloween loot skull, made entirely of moon glass. Glows in the dark, sat right in the middle of the spawn mud pit/graveyard/watering hole.

Emerald's reshing pit. One of many structures on the station. Next to the perimiter wall, behind the impressive two storey brick domocile (no mean feat in Exile).

Hex's stick wall. At his overland base deep in the woods.

So long, and thanks for all the loot

If anyone has more screenshots of the server, please contact me.